Monday 15 November 2010

My first post, it's four o'clock in the morning and it's the middle of London yet everything is wonderfully still and silent. I'm pondering the meaning for the creating of this blog, I'm hoping that by writing at least one post a week I shall be able to develop my writing in an attempt to further my attempts at becoming a journalist however disillusioned a career path that may seem. But everyone has dreams, and I shall have mine.
I recently found an old, favourite quote from a book I'd been obsessed with for a long period of time who's name I have now forgotten but the quote is, "Like all intelligent people, she functions very well in extreme disorder," and I smiled. The nostalgia that one quote can instil within me is quite extraordinary.
But anyway, enough of my ramblings and off to bed to ponder upon the direction of this blog. Any thoughts upon the matter would be hugely welcome.

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