Monday 15 November 2010

15th November

So today I had a day off college(woo go me!)  I decided to take a visit to my old secondary school to see a few friends of mine, as despite the fact my school was an absolute hell hole and helped develop my hate of man kind, I did surprisingly make a few good friends. I say surprisingly because what I felt towards a large proportion of the schools population was extreme contempt and this increasingly showed throughout my years of staying at that school. To be fair I'm from London and throwing me into a secondary school in  Essex was probably not the best of ideas from my parents for despite the fact Essex and London are rather close, there is a clear distinction between the people. That being most Essex people until about 16 are small minded, arrogant and do not welcome people who seem "different" to them.
The day's events were not particularly interesting, I saw a couple of friends and many people who hate me.  My friend who is an amazing photographer, Robert Hillman took a wonderful few photo's of me, one of which you can see!
The funniest incident being one girl who I shall name "L" who hates me for reasons being that I may have had not quite what you would call an affair with her boyfriend,, but something to that effect. In my defence all I can is that I really, truly felt for him more than anyone else so far in my pretty short life, and while I cannot say I was in love for him as I'm so young, let's just say it's the most amount of love I've ever felt for anyone before. I honestly never meant to hurt the girl, I was just in too deep I suppose.
So today as follows she walked into the sixth form common room and saw me, immediately her face dropped and she clutched her boyfriends hand and they walked out. This of course ensued in piles of laughter from me and my friends who found it rather hilarious she's been able to keep a grudge on me for almost two years, without wanting to hear my version of the events. Ten minutes later me and my friend walked to the toilet and she was in the corridor with her friend, the hilarious part is, that same friend may have also gotten that same girls boyfriend to cheat on her with him so the looks we got were magnificent, to say the least.
Aside from that nothing much more interesting happened during my day. So goodbye until my next post!


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