Thursday 18 November 2010

Been an odd past few days. Yesterday was fucking horrible, had to pay a visit to the counsellor and now have to see her a few more times due to my sleep problems. Apparently problems with sleeping are always caused by other troubles etc that you may be having. Gahhhh. Talking about my so called "problems" is not going to be an easy task, I laugh when I'm nervous...
Today was pretty mediocre, just another typical day at college. Although I cannot wait for tomorrow, it's going to be absolutely amazing. Going to see Harry Potter straight after school so I've decided upon wearing my HP cloak to school, and need to rummage around to find my HP glasses I used to own... Hmm could be a bit of a problem as my room is, as always, a right old mess! Then perhaps some party, although I'm not entirely sure where it's going to be held and so on as the organisation as been terrible, however yay :D Let the weekend commence.
Oh and guess who graces us with their beautiful presence tonight on TV? Yup that's right, Nathan from Misfits :D

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