Saturday 31 December 2011

So it's nearing the end of the year, and it's gone in a flash. One moment it was the beginning of the year, the next moment I am faced with the prospect of almost turning 18. The last year I came out of feeling sad and dissatisfied and hoped for a better year. And my wish was actually granted. Karma must have decided to forgive me.  I've had a fantastic year, all in all. It of course hasn't been without it's downsides, but I can safely say 2011 will be a year to remember. Well the parts I can remember of it. Working at The Guardian for two weeks was one of the highlights, coming into contact with some fantastic people not just in The Guardian but through going out. Meeting Luke through having drunk ridiculous amounts, hey who said drinking was bad?! Luke's made a happier person than I could have been before. Living at Occupy London has been the most life changing experience ever. It's something I wish all could experience, in the short time I've been there. I've learnt some life lessons, re-learnt things I've forgotten and made some memories that will define me as a person for the rest of my life.
But for now I'll see you all in the next year.
Happy New Years everyone! :

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