Sunday 8 January 2012

Money is the root of all evil.

Even Geoffrey Chaucer said so in The Canterbury Tales. And why is that we all love money so much. Possibly because of the massive impact that capitalism and consumerism has had on us all. The division of the classes, all trying to survive and become wealthier than the other. The unfair competition of trying to get a better social standing in life. The distorted distribution of the wealth, to mostly the upper classes while the lower classes suffer. 
With the ideals of money, people plunder our resources, murder and exploit just so they can be wealthy rather than thinking of the greater good. In our society, money equals everything. Now we have money, we have greedy bankers and stock brokers who try to create more profit for themselves and essentially completely piss on those, the proletariats, who have less money. Let’s not forget, we have alternatives to money and years before we had money, people traded. Money in reality is of no real value. People lived in a lot more harmony with each other because there was no need for competition and who owned the nicest house. 
Oh and lets not forget, the love of money causes spiritual damage. We want more than we need, if we truly want happiness all we need to is look inside ourselves. Money is not the meaning of life. Oh and lets be honest money causes more crime than any other factor combined, a statistic i read claimed it caused 90% of all crime. Burglaries, rich bankers stealing from us. And ridiculous laws stopping you from becoming a freegan despite all that food going to waste, when in fact we could use that to feed those in need. We’ve turned ourselves against each other. And for what? To have more money than others.